Opium String Quartet (O.S.Q) powstał wiosną 2004 roku. Niespełna trzy miesiące później zadebiutował podczas letniego festiwalu im. Jerzego Waldorfa w Radziejowicach zdobywając entuzjastyczne recenzje.
Początki historii kwartetu sięgają 1993 roku, kiedy to Joanna Baran i Jadwiga Wołek założyły duet gitarowy o nazwie Alirio Duo. Pomimo sukcesów jakie duet odnosił w Polsce i za granicą, artystki postanowiły poszerzyć jego skład, chcąc wzbogacić...
Adam Domagała: Kiedy ponad 40 lat temu zakładał Pan słynny Alban Berg Quartet był już Pan, podobnie jak Pana koledzy, uznanym wirtuozem, profesorem Akademii Muzycznej w Wiedniu. Używając terminologii ze świata muzyki pop: to była supergrupa, głośna już od samego początku istnienia dzięki reputacji..
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Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" is a highly popular song that has gained immense recognition worldwide. The original version of the song, released in 2011, showcases the incredible talent and artistic vision of the Belgian-Australian singer-songwriter, Gotye. His unique style combines elements of indie pop, alternative rock, and electronic music, resulting in a truly captivating sound. The popularity of the song has inspired numerous artists to create their own interpretations, and one such rendition is presented by The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet. This talented group of musicians has taken the original song and given it a fresh perspective through their innovative bassoon adaptation. It is truly commendable how they have managed to transform a contemporary pop hit into a beautiful and intricate piece that perfectly highlights the unique qualities of the bassoon. This cover of a cover is a testament to the versatility and adaptability of music. It takes immense skill and creativity to reinterpret a song and give it a new life, and The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet has done just that. The arrangement by Kara LaMoure showcases her talent as a composer and demonstrates the endless possibilities that can be explored within the realm of music. As we delve into this rendition, it is important to appreciate the rich history and diverse range of compositions that exist within the classical music world. The bassoon quartet, while not as commonly known as other musical ensembles, contributes significantly to the repertoire of chamber music. Dating back to the seventeenth century, the bassoon has played a crucial role in the development of classical music, with composers such as Mozart and Haydn prominently featuring the instrument in their compositions. This rendition of "Somebody That I Used to Know" highlights the blending of different genres and styles, with the classical realm intersecting with contemporary popular music. It is a testament to the powerful and universal nature of music itself, as it transcends boundaries and brings people together. In conclusion, the cover of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" by The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet is a fascinating exploration of musical adaptation and innovation. It sheds light on the unique qualities of the bassoon as well as the creative abilities of the musicians involved. This rendition serves as a reminder of music's ability to connect and inspire, regardless of the era or genre from which it originates.
To jest tak kreatywne! Świetnie, że Breakign Winds Bassoon Quartet zdecydowało się stworzyć cover utworu Gotye "Somebody That I Used to Know". Kara LaMoure zrobiła niesamowitą adaptację na fagoty, które brzmią naprawdę unikalnie. Wyszło im to rewelacyjnie! Jestem pełen podziwu dla ich umiejętności muzycznych. Bardzo mnie cieszy, że udało im się stworzyć tak oryginalne nagranie. Warto posłuchać tego utworu, to naprawdę ciekawy młodzieżowy cover!