Nuty: nuty na pianino filmowa

The Best Movie Themes Ever - najlepsze tematy filmowe - nuty na fortepian solo

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Kolekcja 80 popularnych tematów muzyki filmowej w opracowaniu na fortepian solo.Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.Spis utworów:Airport Love Theme (Winds Of Chance) (from AIRPORT) All Systems Go (from APOLLO 13) American Beauty (from AMERICAN BEAUTY) An American Symphony (from MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS) Bella's Lullaby (from the Summit Entertainment film TWILIGHT) Big My Secret (from THE PIANO) Breakfast At Tiffany's (Theme from the Paramount Picture BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S) Brian's Song (Theme from the Screen Gems Television Production BRIAN'S SONG) The Chairman's Waltz (from MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA) Chocolat (Main Titles) (from the Motion Picture CHOCOLAT) The Cider House Rules (Main Titles) (from the Miramax Motion Picture THE CIDER HOUSE RULES) Cinema Paradiso (from CINEMA PARADISO) The Clocks (from the Paramount Motion Picture HUGO) Cousins (Love Theme) (from the Paramount Picture COUSINS) Dawn (from PRIDE AND PREJUDICE) Dreams To Dream (Finale Version) (from the Universal Motion Picture AN AMERICAN TAIL: FIEVEL GOES WEST) Earth (from the DreamWorks film GLADIATOR) The English Patient (from THE ENGLISH PATIENT) Falling Slowly (from the Motion Picture ONCE) Far And Away (Main Theme) (from the Universal Motion Picture FAR AND AWAY) Theme From “Fatal Attraction” (from the Paramount Motion Picture FATAL ATTRACTION) The Firm - Main Title (from the Paramount Motion Picture THE FIRM) Love Theme From “Flashdance” (from the Paramount Picture FLASHDANCE) Forrest Gump - Main Title (Feather Theme) (from the Paramount Motion Picture FORREST GUMP) Gabriel's Oboe (from the Motion Picture THE MISSION) Gale's Theme (Main Title) (from THE RIVER WILD) George Valentin (from the Motion Picture THE ARTIST) Georgiana (from PRIDE AND PREJUDICE) The Godfather (Love Theme) (from the Paramount Picture THE GODFATHER) The Guns Of Navarone (from THE GUNS OF NAVARONE) The Heart Asks Pleasure First (from THE PIANO) Heaven Can Wait (Love Theme) (from the Paramount Motion Picture HEAVEN CAN WAIT) Hymn To The Fallen (from the Paramount and DreamWorks Motion Picture SAVING PRIVATE RYAN) Il Postino (The Postman) (from IL POSTINO) Indecent Proposal (Main Theme) (from INDECENT PROPOSAL) It Might Be You (Theme from TOOTSIE) Jacob's Theme (from the Summit Entertainment film THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE) Jessica's Theme (Breaking In The Colt) (from THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER) The John Dunbar Theme (from DANCES WITH WOLVES) Theme From “Jurassic Park” (from the Universal Motion Picture JURASSIC PARK) Kyrie For The Magdalene (from THE DA VINCI CODE) La Passerella Di Addio (Theme from the film 8 1/2) La Valse D'Amelie (from AMELIE) Last Of The Mohicans (Main Theme) (from the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS) Theme From “Lawrence Of Arabia” (from LAWRENCE OF ARABIA) A Love Before Time (from the Motion Picture CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON) Love Story (Theme from the Paramount Picture LOVE STORY) The Ludlows (from TriStar Pictures' LEGENDS OF THE FALL) Maestro (from THE HOLIDAY) The Man From Snowy River (Main Title Theme) (from THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER) More (Ti Guarderò Nel Cuore) (from the film MONDO CANE) My Father's Favorite (from SENSE AND SENSIBILITY) The Naked Gun From The Files Of Police Squad! (Theme from the Paramount Picture THE NAKED GUN FROM THE FILES OF POLICE S) Neverland - Piano Variations In Blue (from FINDING NEVERLAND) Nicholas And Alexandra (Theme from NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA) Now We Are Free (from the DreamWorks film GLADIATOR) On Golden Pond (Main Theme from ON GOLDEN POND) Picnic (from the Columbia Technicolor Picture PICNIC) A Prayer For Peace (from MUNICH) The Promise (I'll Never Say Goodbye) (Theme from the Universal Motion Picture THE PROMISE) Raiders March (from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK) Ratatouille Main Theme (from Walt Disney Pictures' RATATOUILLE - A Pixar Film) Remembering Emilie, And Finale (from the Motion Picture WAR HORSE) River (from the Motion Picture THE MISSION) Riverside Walk (from WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING) Road To Perdition (from the Motion Picture ROAD TO PERDITION) Theme From “Sabrina” (from the Paramount Motion Picture SABRINA) Sayuri's Theme (from MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA) Theme From “Schindler's List” (from the Universal Motion Picture SCHINDLER'S LIST) The Seduction (Love Theme) (from the Paramount Motion Picture AMERICAN GIGOLO) Somewhere In Time (from SOMEWHERE IN TIME) Spartacus - Love Theme (from the Universal-International Picture Release SPARTACUS) Star Wars (Main Theme) (from STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE) Theme From Summer Of '42 (The Summer Knows) (Theme from SUMMER OF '42) (Theme From) A Summer Place (from A SUMMER PLACE) Theme From “Terms Of Endearment” (from the Paramount Picture TERMS OF ENDEARMENT) Test Drive (from the Motion Picture HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON) Tubular Bells (Theme from THE EXORCIST) Waltz For Peppy (from the Motion Picture THE ARTIST) The Wings (from BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN)Tytuł: Th zobacz w księgarni »

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Agata Dalli

'Piękny głos, talent aktorski, zmysłowa prezencja sceniczna' - to główne cechy tej wszechstronnie uzdolnionej artystki. Agata Dalli oprócz śpiewu z akompaniamentem orkiestry, wykonuje utwory na fortepian solo oraz śpiewa z własnym akompaniamentem fortepianu.



Fortepian to instrument strunowy klawiszowy, który powstał w skutek zastosowania przez B.Cristofori w dawnym klawikordzie mechanizmu młoteczkowego. Pierwotna nazwa instrumentu w języku niemieckim to Hammerklavier.

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