Nuty: nuty na fortepian

Liaisons - Re-imagining Sondheim from the Piano - 37 kompozycji na fortepian bazujących na muzyce Stephena Sondheima

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Kolekcja 37 kompozycji współczesnych kompozytorów zaaranżowanych na fortepian, bazujących na utworze amerykańskiego kompozytora - Stephena Sondheima.Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.Spis utworów:Akiho: Into the Woods (Act I Opening Into the Woods)Bates: Very Put Together (“Putting it Together” Sunday in the Park with George)Beglarian: Perpetual Happiness (“Happiness” Passion)Bermel: Sorry/Grateful (“Sorry-Grateful” Company)Bischoff: The Ballad of Guiteau (“The Ballad of Guiteau” Assassins)Bolcom: A Little Night Fughetta (“Anyone Can Whistle” Anyone Can Whistle and “Send in the Clowns” A Little Night Music)Brown: Birds of Victorian England (“Green Finch and Linnet Bird” Sweeney Todd)Bunch: The Demon Barber (“The Ballad of Sweeney Todd” Sweeney Todd)Childs: Now (“Now,” “Later” and “Soon” A Little Night Music)Daugherty: Everybody's Got the Right (“Everybody's Got the Right” Assassins)de Mare: Sunday in the Park - Passages (Sunday in the Park with George)Golub: A Child of Children and Art (“Children and Art” Sunday in the Park with George)Gordon: Every Day a Little Death (“Every Day a Little Death” A Little Night Music)Gosfield: A Bowler Hat (“A Bowler Hat” Pacific Overtures)Heggie: I'm Excited. No, You're Not. (“A Weekend in the Country” A Little Night Music)Hersch: No One Is Alone (“No One Is Alone” Into the Woods)Iverson: Send in the Clowns (“Send in the Clowns” A Little Night Music)Kahane: Being Alive (“Being Alive” Company)Kline: Paraphrase (Someone in a Tree) (“Someone in a Tree” Pacific Overtures)León: going . . . gone (“Good Thing Going” Merrily We Roll Along)Lorenz: The Worst [Empanadas] in London (“The Worst Pies in London” and “A Little Priest” Sweeney Todd)Marsalis: That Old Piano Roll (“That Old Piano Roll” Follies)Moravec: I Think About You (“Losing My Mind” Follies)Muhly: Color and Light (“Color and Light” Sunday in the Park with George)Musto: Epiphany (Sweeney Todd)Newman: Not While I'm Around (“Not While I'm Around” Sweeney Todd)Rakowski: The Ladies Who Lunch (“The Ladies Who Lunch” Company)Reich: Finishing the Hat - 2 Pianos (“Finishing the Hat” Sunday in the Park with George)Rockwell: You Could Drive a Person Crazy (“You Could Drive a Person Crazy” Company)Roumain: Another Hundred People (“Another Hundred People” Company)Rzewski: I'm Still Here (“I'm Still Here” Follies)Sharman: Notes on “Beautiful” (“Beautiful” Sunday in the Park with George)Sheik: Johanna in Space (“Johanna” Sweeney Todd)Shire: Love Is in the Air (“Love Is in The Air” A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum)Speach: In and Out of Love (“Liaisons” and “Send in the Clowns” A Little Night Music)Turnage: Pretty Women (“Pretty Women” Sweeney Todd)Vigeland: Merrily We Roll Along (“Merrily We Roll Along” and “The Hills of Tomorrow” Merrily We Roll Along) Tytuł: Liaisons - Re-imagining Sondheim from the Piano Autor: Stephen SondheimStopień trudności: dla średnio-zaawansowanych, zaawansowanychInstrument: fortepianNotacja muzyczna: zapis nutowyWydawnictwo: Relting MusicFormat: 334 str., A4, miękka oprawaJęzyk wydania: angielskiISBN / ISMN: 9781495077937Kod wydawcy: HL00200374 zobacz w księgarni »

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