Grał na nim Rachmaninoff, Gershwin, Rubenstein i Horovitz. Zabrał go na swoje tournee po Stanach Paderewski. Dziś deklarują mu wierność Billy Joel, Lang Lang i Diana Krall. Steinway – bo to o nim mowa – jest nie tylko instrumentem, ale jakością samą w sobie...
Muzyka kameralna tradycyjnie przeznaczona była do wykonywania w komnatach dworskich, obecnie rozwój technologii najpierw sprzętu grającego, teraz internetu spowodował, że w naszych komnatkach (nawet jeżeli mają 2x3m jak moja) możemy posłuchać każdej muzyki.
Fortepian to instrument strunowy klawiszowy, który powstał w skutek zastosowania przez B.Cristofori w dawnym klawikordzie mechanizmu młoteczkowego. Pierwotna nazwa instrumentu w języku niemieckim to Hammerklavier.
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Playing an instrument has been proven to have a positive impact on brain development. In this video, the presenter explains how music not only stimulates the auditory areas of the brain but also activates other regions involved in memory, attention, and motor coordination. One composer that comes to mind when discussing the benefits of playing an instrument is Johann Sebastian Bach. Known for his intricate compositions and technical mastery, Bach's music requires performers to use both hands independently, thus promoting brain plasticity and the development of fine motor skills. Additionally, research has shown that playing an instrument can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and spatial-temporal abilities. This can be attributed to the fact that learning to play an instrument requires memorization, concentration, and multitasking, all of which are transferable skills. It's also worth mentioning that playing an instrument can have a positive impact on one's emotional well-being. It has been linked to reduced stress levels, lowered blood pressure, and improved overall mood. This could be due to the release of endorphins, the brain's natural feel-good chemicals, during the act of playing music. In terms of the form or era of music discussed in the video, it is crucial to note that the benefits of playing an instrument are not limited to a specific genre. Whether it's classical, jazz, rock, or any other style, the act of playing music engages multiple regions of the brain, leading to its overall positive effects. In conclusion, playing an instrument has a profound effect on brain development. It promotes brain plasticity, enhances cognitive skills, and contributes to emotional well-being. Whether you're a professional musician or an amateur enthusiast, picking up an instrument and engaging in music-making is not only a source of joy but also a boost for your brain. So, why not start playing today and reap the endless benefits that music has to offer?
To video jest super interesujące! Dowiedziałem się, że granie na instrumencie ma ogromny wpływ na rozwój mózgu. Aktywność mózgu podczas słuchania muzyki oraz grania na instrumencie wzmacnia nasze umiejętności poznawcze i emocjonalne. To niesamowite, jak nasz mózg pracuje podczas tworzenia i odbierania dźwięków. Teraz mam jeszcze większą motywację, by rozwijać moje umiejętności muzyczne. Muszę zacząć grać na instrumencie!