Nuty: kolędy na chór

Carols for Choirs 2 - kolędy na chór SATB / mieszany - Reginald Jacques, David Willcocks

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Fantastyczna, druga kolekcja 50 najpopularniejszych kolęd i utworów bożonarodzeniowych w nowych aranżacjach Davida Willcocks i Johna Ruttera na chór SATB.Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.Spis utworów:Bainton: A babe is born I wys Scheidt/Willcocks: A child is born in Bethlehem Ord: Adam lay ybounden Ebeling: All my heart this night rejoices Walton: All this time Trevor: The angels and the shepherds Willcocks: The cherry tree carol Rutter: Come leave your sheep Willcocks: Come, thou Redeemer of the earth Willcocks: Deck the hall Willcocks: Ding dong! merrily on high Rutter: Down in yon forest Willcocks: Gabriel's message Wood: Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary Mendelssohn: Hark! the herald angels sing Rutter: He is born the divine Christ child Rutter: Here we come a-wassailing Walford Davies: The holly and the ivy Willcocks: How far is it to Bethlehem? Pettman: I saw a maiden Hadley: I sing of a maiden Rutter: Il est né le divin enfant Willcocks: The Infant King Sullivan/Willcocks: It came upon the midnight clear Willcocks: The Lord at first did Adam make Willcocks: Masters in this hall Palestrina: Matin responsory Terry: Myn lyking Rutter: Nativity carol Britten: A New Year carol Rutter: Noël nouvelet Rutter: Nowell, sing nowell Wade: O come, all ye faithful Willcocks: O come, O come, Emmanuel Willcocks: Of the father's heart begotten Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks: Once in royal David's city Rodney Bennett: Out of your sleep Rutter: Past three a clock Jacques: Patapan Holst: Personent hodie Willcocks: Quelle est cette odeur agréable? Rutter: Quem pastores laudavere Rutter: Quittez, pasteurs Willcocks: Resonemus laudibus Rutter: Sans day carol Leuner/Macpherson: The shepherds' cradle song Rutter: Shepherds left their flocks a-straying Rutter: Shepherd's pipe carol Gruber/Willcocks: Silent night Mathias: Sir Christèmas Stevens: There is no rose Willcocks: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day Vaughan Williams: The truth from above Rutter: The twelve days of Christmas Willcocks: While shepherds watched their flocks Bach/Rutter: Zion hears the watchmen's voices Tytuł: Carols for Choirs 2Autor: (opracowanie) David Willcocks, John RutterStopień trudności: dla średnio-zaawansowanychInstrument: chór SATB Notacja muzyczna: zapis nutowy Seria: for Choirs CollectionsWydawnictwo: Oxford University PressFormat: 224 str., 249x174 mm, miękka oprawaJęzyk wydania: angielskiISBN / ISMN: 9780193535657Kod wydawcy: 9780193535657 zobacz w księgarni »

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