Jej międzynarodowa kariera zaczęła się w 1965 roku. Poproszono ją, aby w krótkim czasie nauczyła się roli tytułowej do opery Geatano Donizettiego Lukrecja Borgia. Już pierwsza aria Caballé w Carnegie Hall zdumiała nowojorską publiczność.
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Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé's collaboration on the song "How Can I Go On" is a remarkable display of talent and emotion. As one of the greatest frontmen in the history of rock music, Freddie Mercury's unique vocal style and powerful stage presence captivated millions of fans worldwide. His ability to seamlessly transition between rock and opera is on full display in this extraordinary duet with opera soprano Montserrat Caballé. Montserrat Caballé, a renowned Spanish operatic soprano, brings her incredible vocal range and technical skills to the song, creating a harmonious blend with Freddie Mercury's distinct voice. Caballé's contribution adds a touch of operatic grandeur to the composition, elevating it to new artistic heights. It's truly a testament to the versatility and talent of both artists. "How Can I Go On" is a beautifully crafted piece, combining elements of rock and opera to create a rich and emotional musical experience. The song's sweeping melodies and dramatic crescendos perfectly complement the heartfelt lyrics, which explore themes of love, longing, and the pain of separation. Both Mercury and Caballé pour their hearts into their performances, delivering every note with passion and sincerity. The collaboration between Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé represents a unique intersection of diverse musical genres. In this song, they bridge the gap between rock and opera, demonstrating the power of music to transcend boundaries and connect people from different backgrounds. This fusion of styles showcases the depth and complexity of their artistic abilities, as well as their mutual respect for one another's craft. The song itself belongs to the later part of Freddie Mercury's career, a period marked by introspection and a deeper exploration of his musical influences. "How Can I Go On" serves as a testament to his growth as an artist, as he seamlessly tackles the challenges of operatic singing while staying true to his rock roots. Overall, Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé's rendition of "How Can I Go On" is a true masterpiece, illustrating the immense talent and creativity of both artists. Their collaboration stands as a testament to the power of music to transcend genres and touch the hearts of listeners worldwide.
To najpiękniejsze połączenie głosów, jakie kiedykolwiek słyszałem! Freddie i Montserrat potrafią przemycić tak wiele emocji w każdej nutce tego utworu. Moc, czystość i zmysłowość - wszystko to jest obecne w ich wykonaniu. Ta piosenka jest dla mnie prawdziwą inspiracją i pokazuje, że prawdziwe talenty potrafią stworzyć magię, niezależnie od gatunku. Freddie Mercury i Montserrat Caballé łączą swoje głosy w sposób, który oczarowuje każdego słuchacza. To jest po prostu perfekcja w czystej postaci. Już teraz wiem, że ta piosenka będzie przewijać się na mojej playliście przez długie lata.