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The Flute Scale Book - A Path to Artistry - Patricia George and Phyllis Avidan Louke - szkoła gry na flet poprzeczny - gamy, skale, pasaże itp.

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Książka "The Flute Scale Book" autorstwa Patricii George i Phyllis Avidan Louke jest doskonałym wyborem dla każdego flecisty, od ucznia po profesjonalistę. Oferuje wszechstronne i elastyczne plany nauki, które obejmują ćwiczenia na skale, interwały, rozgrzewki, techniki palcowania, frazowanie i wzorce ćwiczeń dla różnych grup rytmicznych. Dzięki tej wszechstronnej metodzie, każdy flecista może znacząco poprawić swoje umiejętności i rozwijać się muzycznie.  Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.Spis treści:i. Getting Startediii. Introduction to Scalesiv. Circle of FifthsCHAPTER ONE: One Octave Whole Note ScalesScale studies for the young player and tone exercises for the advanced flutist.1.00 Sample Practice Plan - Chapter 11.01 Practice Guide - Whole Note Scales1.04 Major Scales1.05 Melodic Minor Scales1.06 Major Intervals1.07 Major and Relative Minor Arpeggios1.08 Ascending Thirds1.09 Descending Thirds1.10 Balancing the Flute1.10 Trills for BalanceCHAPTER TWO: Phrasing GesturesWhat to do with notes. Using movement intelligently for artistic success.2.01 Practice Guide - Phrasing Gestures2.04 F Major and Bb Major Scales2.05 Eb Major and Ab Major Scales2.06 Db Major and Gb Major Scales2.07 B Major and E Major Scales2.08 A Major and D Major Scales2.09 G Major and C Major Scales2.10 Practice Guide - Putting It Together2.11 Major and Relative Melodic Minor Scales2.12 Major and Parallel Melodic Minor ScalesCHAPTER THREE: Embouchure DevelopmentDevelops embouchure flexibility and technical fluency in the third octave3.00 Sample Practice Plan - Chapter 33.01 Practice Guide - Embouchure Development3.03 Harmonics - Embouchure Flexibility3.04 Left Hand Scales3.05 Harmonics - Five Note Scale Patterns3.06 Play the Fingering Chart3.07 Third Octave Wiggles3.08 Third Octave Studies - Short Scales3.09 Third Octave Chromatic Fingerings3.10 Fourth Octave FingeringsCHAPTER FOUR: Audition ScalesAn audition strategy for high school and college flutists.4.00 Sample Practice Plan - Chapter 44.01 Audition Preparation Patterns - Two Octave Scales4.02 Major and Relative Melodic Minor Scales4.04 Minor Scales - Natural, Harmonic, Melodic4.07 Scales in Thirds - Major and Relative Melodic Minor4.11 Practice Guide - Arpeggios and Chord Progressions4.12 Ascending Arpeggios - Major and Minor4.13 Ascending Arpeggios - Diminished and Augmented4.14 Descending Arpeggios - Major and Minor4.15 Descending Arpeggios - Diminished and Augmented4.16 Gruppetto Scales - Version 14.18 Gruppetto Scales - Version 24.19 Octave Scale Rips4.20 More RipsCHAPTER FIVE: Scales for a LifetimePresents the essential materials needed to develop and maintain a professional technique.5.00 Sample Practice Plan - Professional5.01 Five Note Major Scale Patterns - Version 15.04 Tone Color Scales - Major and Minor5.12 Modal Scales in Thirds5.13 Modal Scales in Sixths5.14 Pedal Point Arpeggios5.19 Pedal Point Broken Arpeggios5.26 Footjoint Patterns5.27 Kuhlau Bass5.30 Seventh Chords5.33 Broken Seventh Chords5.36 Five Note Major Scale Patterns - Version 2CHAPTER SIX: A Bouquet of ScalesA collection of scales and patterns that are the building blocks of contemporary music.6.01 Modal Scales - Version 16.03 Modal Scales - Version 26.05 Chromatic Scales Preparation6.06 Two Octave Chromatic Scales6.07 Three Octave Chromatic Scales6.08 Chromatic Intervals - Advanced6.08 Neighboring Tone Triplets6.09 Chromatic Intervals6.11 Chromatic Tonguing - Ascending6.13 Chromatic Tonguing - Descending6.14 Octatonic and Whole-Tone Scales6.15 Blues Scales6.16 Major Pentatonic Scales6.17 Minor Pentatonic ScalesPractice Patterns for Groups of 8 Notes - Appendix 1Practice Patterns for Groups of 6 Notes - Appendix 2Fingering ChartTytuł: The Flute Scale Book - A Path to ArtistryAutor: Phyllis Avidan Louke, Patricia GeorgeStopień trudności: dla średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych Instrument: flet poprzecznyNotacja muzyczna: zapis nutowyWydawnictwo: Theodore Presser CompanyFormat: 144 stron, A4, miękka oprawa bindowanaJęzyk wydania: angielskiISBN / ISMN: 9781598063509Kod wydawcy: 414-41206 zobacz w księgarni »

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