Nuty: improwizacja

Complete Guitar Improvisation Book - Vincent Bredice

196 PLN  zobacz w księgarni »

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Pozycja z serii "Complete" to podręcznik, który zawiera wszechstronną wiedzę na temat technicznego i harmonicznego aspektu improwizacji gitarowej. W książce znajdują się między innymi: analizy skal, arpeggia, akordy progresywne, kadencje, modulacje i wiele innych. Ponadto liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia, które pomogą Tobie osiągnąć techniczne i mentalne mistrzostwo w improwiacji gitarowej.Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.Spis treści:    RudimentsTablature Guide4 Notes on the E or 1st String4 Notes on the B or 2nd String3 Notes on the G or 3rd String4 Notes on the D or 4th String4 Notes on the A or 5th String4 Notes on the E or 6th StringThe TieThe Major ScalesConstruction of the Major ScaleThe 7 Flat ScalesThe 7 Flat Scales in the 1st positionKey SignaturesChromatic ScaleThe Eighth NoteThe Dotted Quarter NoteThe Eighth RestRhythm DrillsValuable Shortcuts to Reading, Technique & Lead PlayingIntervals and ChordsMajor Third IntervalMinor 3rd IntervalMajor ChordsHow To PracticeThe Trilogy-Scale, Chord, and ArpeggioMinor ScalesHarmonic Minor ScaleMelodic Minor Scale-2 FormsThe Jazz Melodic Minor ScaleDorian ModeThe Diminished 7th Chord, Scales and ArpeggioThe Diminished 7th Scale & 7th Arpeggio (moveable and non-movable)Connecting Two Forms of Diminished 7th arpeggiosThe Augmented Chord, Scale, and ArpeggioAugmented Chord Patterns2 Moveable Augmented ScalesThe Non-Moveable Augmented ArpeggioThe Moveable Augmented ArpeggioConnecting Augmented ArpeggiosThe Dominant 7th ChordPerfect 5th, Minor 7th, and Tritone IntervalsDominant and Tonic RelationshipsThe Dom. 7th to Tonic ProgressionsThe Major Pentatonic ScalePentatonic licksThe Minor Pentatonic ScaleMinor Pentatonic Licks1st Position Blues Scales1st Position Blues LicksShort Blues Scales PatternsPositionsThe C Major Scale Harmonized in 2 OctavesThe Moveable Position Fingering of the Harmonized C major ScaleThe C Harmonized Scale In The V PositionThe C Harmonized Scale in the VII PositionThe C Harmonized Scale in the XII PositionScales of the Chords of the C Harmonized ScaleHow to PracticeArpeggios of the Chords of the C harmonized Scale in the 1st PositionThe Diminished 7th Scale in Connected FormThe Augmented Scale in Connected Form5 Moveable Major ScalesRhythmical PatternsC Major Pentatonic Scales in Higher PositionsC Pentatonic LicksCm Pentatonic LicksThe A Minor PentatonicsA Minor Pentatonic LicksMinor LicksContemporary Chordal SoundsMinor LicksConnected Pattern Form of Major scales5 Moveable Minor Scales (Harmonic Form)Connecting Patter Forms of Harmonic Minor ScalesConnecting Pure Minor Pattern Forms(Classic ) Melodic Minor Pattern Scale FormsThe Dorian Mode PatternsModesHarmonizing the Harmonic ScaleThe II & III Position Scale Forms of the C Major Scale ChordsThe V Position Forms for the C Major Scale ChordsThe VII Position Scale Forms of the C Harmonized ScaleThe X Position Scale Forms of the C Major Scale ChordsThe XII Position Scales of the C Major Scale ChordsThe Sixteenth NoteThe Dotted Eighth Note and Sixteenth NoteSyncopationThe Triplet4 Moveable Dominant 7th Arpeggio formsDominant 7th ScaleF7 Arpeggios in Higher PositionsC7 arpeggioF7 LicksDominant LicksComping for a Funk Rock GrooveSixteenth Figures in Contemporary MusicThe SweepC Maj. 7th ArpeggiosDiminished and Whole tone LicksModern Chords and Their AlterationsC6 ChordsSubstitutionThe Minor Added Note ChordsAltered Dominant HarmoniesDominant 11Dominant 13thsSome Common Substitution ProgressionsConnecting One Scale Throughout the Compass of the GuitarSix C Major ScalesThe 6 D Minor Scales Connected through the GuitarThe 6 EThe 6 FThe 6 AThe C Arpeggios Connected throughout the GuitarThe D Arpeggios Connected throughout the GuitarThe E Arpeggios Connected throughout the GuitarThe F Arpeggios Connected throughout the GuitarThe G Arpeggios Connected throughout the GuitarThe A Arpeggios Connected throughout the Guitar4 Minor 7th Arpeggio FormsII7 V7 I ProgressionsF Major ScaleBb Major ScaleC Major ScaleD Minor Scale-Relative to F MajorG Minor Scale-Relative to Bb MajorA Minor Scale-Relative to C MajorF Major Scale PatternBb Major Scale PatternC Major Scale PatternD Harmonic Minor PatternG Minor Harmonic PatternA Harmonic PatternA Harmonic LickF Major LickBb Major LickHarmonic D Minor Lick4 Types of D Minor Scale in V Pos.4 G Minor Types of Minor Scales4 A Minor Types of Minor ScalesV Position Arpeggios of Previous 8 ScalesThe F Major Scale HarmonizedArpeggios of the F Harmonized ScaleThe F Harmonized Scale in 5th Movement ArpeggiosThe F Harmonized Scale in 5th Movement ScalesKey of F Harmonies Using ScalesNext Higher Position Using ScalesNext Higher Position Using ArpeggiosF Major Scale Diatonic 7th Arpeggios in 5th MovementThe F Diatonic 7th Chords in All Positions3 Octave Arpeggios of Major Keys3 Octave Major Scales3 Octave Major Scale PatternSpeed DevicesMajor S zobacz w księgarni »

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Płyta kolorowa, zróżnicowana, wciągająca. Wykonania swobodne, wirtuozowskie i porywające tam gdzie to wskazane, liryczne i zamyślone w wolnych częściach. Jednym słowem - kawał bardzo dobrej muzy w rękach młodego, utalentowanego i ambitnego muzyka.

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