Flute is the general name for wind instruments with wooden lips (often made of metal, silver, or gold nowadays). The most common variations of the flute are the grand flute (most popular) and the piccolo.
Born in Fukuoka, Japan. After completing her studies in Tokyo, she moved to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris, where she graduated with honors.
To avoid being too serious, I won't start by saying that Luca is unearthly handsome (as if it wasn't enough that he plays the cello like a poet and a hard rocker in one). The cello, which was somewhat unfairly overshadowed by a certain beautiful cellist, comes to life in the hands of this young god. It comes to life, screams, argues, and cries. In such a game, one can find a whole range of human experiences and emotions.
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The video features a performance of the piece "Game of Thrones" in a heavy metal arrangement by Edwin Reinhard on the flute. Edwin Reinhard is a talented flutist who specializes in various musical genres. His technical and interpretive skills are extraordinary, as seen in this recording. The composition "Game of Thrones" is known from the popular television series of the same name. Originally written by Ramin Djawadi, it combines different musical styles, including elements of heavy metal. Reinhard skillfully utilizes the capabilities of the flute in his arrangement to convey the power and energy characteristic of heavy metal. This performance shows that the flute can be used in diverse musical styles, not just classical or folk. Reinhard proves that there are no limits for this instrument and can excitingly transform popular pieces. Despite the fact that heavy metal is not often associated with the flute, this arrangement sounds surprisingly harmonious. Reinhard perfectly balances between sharp riffs, strong drum beats, and lyrical melodic motifs. His ability to adapt the sound of the flute to the genre he performs is impressive. The era we are currently in is characterized by a variety of musical tastes. Artists like Edwin Reinhard mix styles and genres, seeking new means of expression to surprise with their creativity. Many people, thanks to such arrangements, can discover a new love for the flute and for genres that previously seemed distant from it. This performance is proof of how music can connect different worlds and build bridges between them. Reinhard demonstrates that a flutist can be just as exciting and energetic as a metal guitarist. I am impressed by his talent and eagerly await the next musical surprises he will present to us.
This is absolutely amazing! An extraordinary combination of Game of Thrones and heavy metal on the flute! Edwin Reinhard showcases his incredible skills and talent in this arrangement. His playing is full of energy and passion, and the sound is truly impressive. This is inspiring and shows that there are no limits in music. I really love this unusual combination of sounds and I am glad that I could listen to it. If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, heavy metal, or just good flute playing, it's worth watching this video!