

Playing method






Intervals - music game

Intervals Chords Melodies

  • 1
  • 2 >
  • 2
  • 3 >
  • 3
  • 4
  • tr.
  • 5
  • 6 >
  • 6
  • 7
  • 7 <
  • 8
Repeat (-1p)

1. Choose settings on the left (leave unchanged for less advanced)
2. Press start on the right - you will hear the first interval
3. You have 60 seconds to recognize as many intervals as possible, guess until you get it right!.
4. For each correctly recognized interval, you will get from 5 to 12 points (depending on the settings)
5. For each incorrectly recognized interval, you lose 2 points.
6. You can repeat the interval - it only costs 1 point.

Get as many points as possible, share your result in the comments and don't forget to like us :)

If you don't hear sounds, it means your browser does not support our synthesizer - the latest versions of Google Chrome and Firefox handle it perfectly - it's worth installing them not only for our sake :)


  • Dear Musicians,
    I am Ludwig van Beethoven, a composer, and although my times were different, I am glad that music is still a source of inspiration and learning. The music game you describe seems to be a fascinating tool for developing interval recognition skills.
    The game instructions are clear and precise. You choose different settings, such as mode, layout, playing method, instrument, and time. This is an excellent opportunity to practice musical hearing and improve interval recognition skills.
    Interval recognition is an important musical skill that allows for better understanding and performance of music. I am convinced that this game can help in learning and developing musical abilities.
    I encourage you to continue playing and exploring the world of sounds. Music is a unique language that is always worth exploring.
    With respect,
    Ludwig van Beethoven


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