Nabu's Journey (Arlekin Puppet Theatre named after Henryk Ryl in Łódź) - tickets

ORDER TICKET ONLINE ' Date: 2025-01-15, 11:00
City: Łódź
Venue: Arlekin Puppet Theatre named after Henryk Ryl in Łódź
Address: Wólczańska 5,
Category: Performance

Event Description

For audiences from 7 years old, for teenagers and adults

Nabu is a small girl who lives in a village by the sea. She has a beautiful, warm home and a loving family. One day, under circumstances unknown to her, a fire breaks out that takes away their safe shelter. The house can be quickly rebuilt, but unfortunately, not for long, as soon the fire appears again... Nabu decides to escape from her burning family village to find a place where houses do not burn and where everyone could finally be safe. 'Nabu's Journey' is a story about courage, fear, and the search for home. The performance is a record of a heroic, solitary expedition through deserts and great waters, during which the girl encounters unfriendly people, gets caught in invisible barbed wires that leave palpable wounds, and sees dreams that do not exist - at least not for everyone... The story of Nabu shows how difficult it is to escape from fear and pain. How much one has to endure to achieve the goal of the journey. And despite this, even though the path so far has been very crippling and frightening, she decides to venture beyond the endless horizon. To a better world...

The book by Jarosław Mikołajewski, on which the performance is based, is an extraordinary, poetic tale addressing the issue of the migration crisis and intolerance. Its adaptation will be told using table puppets and plastic means of expression. Revived by three actors, it aims to be a pretext for a brave discussion with a young audience, to perhaps break some taboos.


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Event details ' Arlekin Puppet Theatre named after Henryk Ryl in Łódź, Wólczańska 5, 90-718 Łódź

Location: 51.773211,19.450797

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