In which direction should Polish music education go? – about this in the upcoming 'Debate of the Twos'. Karol Furtak invites you on Tuesday, August 27 at 21:00. The broadcast will also be available on social media, as well as on the website and YouTube channel of Program 2.

The debate on Radio Dwójka is a follow-up to the panel 'Polish Music Education in the Perspective of Changes in the Job Market for Musicians' organized in April by the Polish Music Council. During the meeting, many topics related to education were discussed. However, the observers' attention was drawn to the fact that we actually know very little about the state of Polish education. It seems that there is a lack of tools to recognize the situation of young people studying in music schools and diagnoses regarding the effectiveness of this education. Diagnoses are one thing... a completely different question is what to study at all and on what basis to assess the effects of music education in Poland.

Karol Furtak and his guests in the 'Debate of the Twos' will raise these questions in the broadcast and will jointly reflect on the prospects. What can be done in the foreseeable future to improve the situation of students, teachers, and parents who have contact with educational institutions? Is there any remedy that can be applied 'now and here'? If so, what goals should the discussion on this topic be subordinated to?

The guests of the 'Debate of the Twos' will be: Agnieszka Hejduk–Domańska – director of the Department of Artistic Education at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Viola Łabanow – president of the 'Music is for Everyone' Foundation, Mariusz Tokarski – director of the Karol Szymanowski State Music School Complex in Warsaw, and Lech Dzierżanowski – deputy director of the National Institute of Music and Dance for music.

The 'Debate of the Twos' – is a series of journalistic and cultural broadcasts aired every two weeks on the Program 2 of Polish Radio at 21:00. The broadcast is transmitted on the Dwójka website, on social media, and on the station's YouTube channel.

• Broadcast of the 'Debate of the Twos' on social media and on the station's website and YouTube channel
• More information on the Dwójka radio website

Polskie Radio is the largest public radio broadcaster in Poland. It broadcasts original music programs, journalistic, popular science, educational, social, entertainment, family, religious programs, as well as radio dramas and reports. It has five nationwide programs – Jedynka, Dwójka, Trójka, Polskie Radio 24, and Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy, and via the Internet, applications, and DAB+ system it broadcasts: Czwórka, Polskie Radio Dzieciom, Polskie Radio Chopin, Polskie Radio Kierowców, and Polskie Radio dla Ukrainy. The portal polskieradio24.pl publishes the most important news from the country and the world daily and provides unique special services, archival materials, and multimedia.

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