Unexpected twists and turns, daring situations, and masterful acting (Gdynia Port Concert Hall) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 140 PLN - ORDER TICKET ONLINE » Date: 2024-11-10, 16:30:00
Artist: Triathlon Story - The Guys from Żelaza
City: Gdynia
Venue: Gdynia Port Concert Hall
Address: Rotterdamska 9,
(GPS: 54.5281897, 18.5242274)
Category: theater

Event Description

In a hotel room, in the evening, four participants of a triathlon competition accidentally meet. Each of them arrives there for a different reason and each expects something different from the start. They are united by triathlon, but what divides them? Everything! They have completely different views on life and different life experiences, varying temperaments and conflicting characters, even their sense of humor differs. It might seem that they will never get along, but absurd events that spiral out of control cause a true male understanding to develop among the characters, and perhaps even a male friendship is born.

'Triathlon story' disarms with sincerity, seduces with a dose of good humor, and never slows down for a moment. It entertains the audience from the first to the last minute of the show. Unexpected twists and turns, daring situations, and masterful acting guarantee an excellent, fully entertaining experience filled with positive emotions.

Director: Piotr Nowak

Script: Dorota Truskolaska Alibert

Starring: Waldemar Błaszczak, Piotr Nowak, Andrzej Deskur, Michał Żurawski, Marcin Rogacewicz

Tickets available at: KupBilecik.pl

Event details »

Triathlon Story - The Guys from Żelaza Leszek Lichota/ Andrzej Deskur, Waldemar Błaszczak, Bartłomiej Topa/Michał Żurawski, Piotr Nowak

'Triathlon story' disarms with sincerity, seduces with a dose of good humor, and never slows down for a moment. It entertains the audience from the first to the last minute of the show. Unexpected twists and turns, daring situations, and masterful acting guarantee an excellent, fully entertaining experience filled with positive emotions. Tickets available at: KupBilecik.pl

All concerts by the artist: Triathlon Story - The Guys from Å»elaza »
Distant Blues (Blues Club) - tickets

Distant Blues (Blues Club) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 70 PLN, Artist: Joanna Knitter Blues & Folk Connection, City: Gdynia, Venue: Blues Club, Date: 2025-03-14, time: 19:30:00...

gdynia 2025-03-14
International Women's Day with Jacek Siciarek Trio + Jam Session (Blues Club) - tickets

International Women's Day with Jacek Siciarek Trio + Jam Session (Blues Club) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 30 PLN, Artist: Jacek Siciarek Trio, City: Gdynia, Venue: Blues Club, Date: 2025-03-08, time: 19:30:00...

gdynia 2025-03-08
Jerzy Małek Pashmina Project (Blues Club) - tickets

Jerzy Małek Pashmina Project (Blues Club) - tickets

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gdynia 2025-03-02
Potańcówka (Blues Club) - tickets

Potańcówka (Blues Club) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 30 PLN, Artist: Potańcówka 70’80’90’, City: Gdynia, Venue: Blues Club, Date: 2025-03-01, time: 20:00:00...

gdynia 2025-03-01
Potańcówka (Blues Club) - tickets

Potańcówka (Blues Club) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 30 PLN, Artist: Potańcówka 70'80'90', City: Gdynia, Venue: Blues Club, Date: 2025-02-28, time: 20:00:00...

gdynia 2025-02-28
Animal Farm (Danuta Baduszkowa Musical Theatre - Chamber Stage) - tickets

Animal Farm (Danuta Baduszkowa Musical Theatre - Chamber Stage) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 90.00 PLN, Artist: Animal Farm, City: Gdynia, Venue: Danuta Baduszkowa Musical Theatre - Chamber Stage, Date: 20...

gdynia 2025-03-15

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