LOVE Ingmar Villqist (Teatr Bez Sceny) - tickets

ORDER TICKET ONLINE » Date: 2025-02-01, 19:00
City: Katowice
Venue: Teatr Bez Sceny
Address: 3 Maja 11a,
Category: Show

Event Description

LOVE - 5 one-act plays directed by the author Ingmar Villqist. Two premieres - 'MY DEARS' and 'LOVE' and three one-act plays from the series 'Anaerobes': 'LARD CUBE WITH DRIED FRUITS', 'CYNKWEISS' and 'LEMURS.
We decline Love through cases. The show guarantees a refined acting performance with a large dose of poetic optimism at the finish!
Script and direction: Ingmar Villqist

Lighting: Sergiusz Bro!!!u00c5!!!u00bcek
Costumes: Ewa Dopiera!!!u00c5!!!u0082a

Anna Nowak
Agnieszka Bie!!!u00c5!!!u0084kowska
Andrzej Dopiera!!!u00c5!!!u0082a
Premiere June 3, 2022


Safe shopping at Bilety24. In case of event cancellation, we guarantee an automatic refund confirmed by a message sent to the email address provided during purchase.

Event details » Teatr Bez Sceny, ul. 3 Maja 11a, 40-096 Katowice

Location: 50.259877,19.018935

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