Interactive show for the youngest (Dom Kultury in Rybnik-Niedobczyce) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 45 PLN - ORDER TICKET ONLINE » Date: 2024-06-01, 13:00:00
Artist: HAU HAU Show
City: Rybnik
Venue: Dom Kultury in Rybnik-Niedobczyce
Address: Ul. Barbary 23,
(GPS: 50.059692, 18.494463)
Category: theatre

Event description

Long time ago... Or maybe not so long ago? In the Bay of Adventures lived a rescue team: brave puppies. One day they decided to embark on a distant adventure in search of a kitten. But as soon as they thought about the trip, their home turned upside down. A regular sofa turned into a huge ship, white curtains into sails, and a ladle into a means of protection against pirates.

On your marks, get set, go!

A real adventure begins! All the furniture in the room turns into a magical ship. But what is a ship without a captain? Hold the helm! The rescue team is on the way! First, they meet a fierce, hungry shark. Does anyone know what a shark eats for lunch? Of course, the kids know! The puppies prepare a delicious meal, feed the hungry animal, and even...befriend it! And what is on the horizon?! Yes, real pirates! The crew has never seen pirates before, but they probably don't want to get to know them better either...The puppies come up with funny ghosts that make the locals tremble with fear! Suddenly, a huge cloud appears in the sky, and our heroes have to face a terrible storm, during which their boat is swept out to sea. This adventure never ends! What happened next, you can find out by visiting the interactive show for the youngest "HAU-HAU Show"

In the show, children:

- help the puppies find a mysterious island;
- fight pirates;
- learn pirate dances;
- throw giant balls;
- collect fruits;
- dance and sing.

Children up to 3 years old have free entry (sitting on the lap of a parent/guardian).

Tickets available at: KupBilecik.pl

Event details »

HAU HAU Show Children's Show

Ready, Set, Go-the game begins! Real adventures are starting! They magically turn all the furniture in their room into a real ship. But what is a ship without a captain? The rescue team is on the way. First, they meet a bad, hungry shark. And maybe someone knows what a shark eats for lunch? Sure, the kids know! The puppies together prepare a delicious meal for the shark, and thanks to the kids, they were able not only to feed the hungry shark, but also to befriend it. But what is on the horizon? These are real pirates! What happened next with our rescue team and pirates, and the parrots found the missing letter and what happened to them, you can find out by visiting our interactive show "Puppies rush to the rescue". Tickets available at: KupBilecik.pl

All artist's concerts: HAU HAU Show »


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