Frederic Chopin - Legendary creator.

What characterizes the compositions of Frederic Chopin? Above all, great expression, which constitutes a genre originality, it is difficult to confuse these works with others, of other pianists from that period. Frederic had great talent, he started learning to play the piano at the age of 4. At that time, he was taught by his mother. In later years of Chopin's creativity, he was taught by Wojciech Zywny, who had previously supervised the work of Johann Sebastian Bach, Joseph Haydn, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Chopin's talent was confirmed in his first compositions, which he created at the age of only 7. His first piece was published in 1817, it was a polonaise in G minor. The young artist performed at the Radziwill Palace the following year, giving his first concert there. Over the following years, the composer became increasingly popular. In 1829, Frederic finished his studies and went to Vienna, where he performed concerts, gaining great recognition. On November 5, 1830, Chopin moved permanently to Dresden, and from that time on, he never returned to his homeland. It was during that period that he created the first parts of the 'Revolutionary Etude', his most outstanding work, which remains an unmatched classic for pianists to this day. During his stay in Paris, Frederic performed a lot, and also taught piano to Princess de Noailles. He also maintained contact with Polish artists.

Frederic had quite serious health problems from 1836 until the day of his death. His illness strongly affected his work, and he also parted ways with George Sand. It was during that period that Chopin composed many outstanding works. He wrote as many as 57 mazurkas, including the most outstanding ones, such as the Sonata in B minor. He died of tuberculosis at the Chaillot Palace at 2 am in 1849.

In conclusion, serious music is currently used in various ceremonies, balls, etc. It is usually played at the beginning of ceremonies and is even used by Wedding DJs, who, in addition to contemporary pieces, have classics such as Ballads, Sonnets, or Mazurkas in their repertoire for special occasions. We see that serious or classical music is still close to us.

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