Fender: How a Legend Sounds...

The music company founded by Leo Fender (http://www.fender.com/en-PL/) after World War II probably needs no introduction. It is the first manufacturer of electric guitars and amplifiers on a large scale. Names like Telecaster, Jaguar, Mustang, Precision Bass, Jazz Bass... and of course Stratocaster are words known not only to guitarists.

The Fender Stratocaster, Strat, Strato (http://www.fender.com/guitars/stratocaster/) is probably the most recognizable guitar in the world. It is often used as an icon of the electric guitar on various t-shirts, posters, or in advertisements. The most copied electric guitar design, the number of Fender Stratocaster copies is incalculable.

Masters such as Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, John Mayer, Andy Summers, John Frusciante, Mark Knopfler, Iron Maiden, Yngwie Malmsteen, David Gilmour,
Robert Cray, Jim Vaughan, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck, Eric Johnson, Ritchie Blackmore, Marek Raduli have played and continue to play on it... Every guitarist should have a Strat in hand, everyone should have an electric bass, and the Jazz Bass is the benchmark for bass guitar sound.

The basic models of electric guitars and basses produced by Fender:

Stratocaster – produced since 1954, a guitar with three single coil pickups,
characterized by high tones, known as a glassy sound. The guitar is equipped with
a Tremolo bridge. Users: Jimi Hendrix, Jan Borysewicz, Dariusz Kozakiewicz.

Telecaster – produced since 1950, the first electric guitar in the world,
produced in series. The electronic system is based on two single coil pickups, one of which is
placed directly in the bridge. The guitar is excellent for Rock, Blues, Pop, Punk,
Country music. Users: Hellecasters, James Hetfield, Izzy Stradlin, Joe Strummer, Bruce

Jaguar – produced since 1962, an icon of Grunge.

Jazzmaster – produced since 1958, a guitar with an advanced electronic system, often with pickups modeled after Gibson P-90.

Mustang – produced since 1964, a small instrument designed for beginner players.

Jagstang – produced since 1993, a guitar designed by Kurt Cobain from Nirvana, a combination of the above designs.

Lead Series – produced from 1979 to 1982, very interesting instruments for Rock, Blues, and solos. Smaller bodies, comfortable access, humbucker on the cover.

Stratocaster VG – introduced in 2007, created in collaboration with Roland, has 4 pickups (3 single coil and 1 digital pickup from Roland)

Bass guitars are also classic choices when it comes to instruments, throughout history models: Precision Bass, Jazz Bass, Mustang Bass, Jaguar Bass have become a canon and standard for other manufacturers. In fact, Fender invented the bass guitar in the '50s.

Photos / Collaboration

SkladMuzyczny.pl - Fender Authorized Dealer (http://skladmuzyczny.pl/manufacturer/fender)

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