Elżbieta Gromada - viola

A graduate of the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice in the viola class of Prof. Zygmunt
Jochemczyk, as well as in the chamber music class of senior lecturer Marek Moś. She also perfected her skills at music courses
under the guidance of professors: Grigoria Zhislina, Doris Lederer, Claude’a Lelonga.
Since 2009, she has been the principal violist of the Krakow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, with which she
performed as a soloist in 2011, playing the solo part of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante.
Previously, she gained her experience as a violist in the Aukso Chamber Orchestra, led by Marek
Moś, and also as the deputy leader of the viola group
in the Łódź Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.
She has collaborated with many ensembles in Poland and abroad, including the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, Schleswig-Holstein
Musik Festival Orchestra, Łódź Chamber Orchestra, Radom Chamber Orchestra, as well as the
evangelization group Mocni w Duchu.
She has performed in many countries in Europe and Asia. As a chamber musician, she has performed, among others, in the Apertus String Quartet,
of which she was a co-founder.
She is currently a violist in the Krakow Philharmonic String Quartet.
She plays a viola made by Jan Pawlikowski from 1996.

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Instrumenty i sprzęt muzyczny

PWM Szymanowski Karol - Najpiękniejszy Szymanowski na fortepian
PWM Blackwell Kathy, David - Viola time sprinters. A third book of pieces for viola (utwory na altwk + CD)
PWM Blackwell Kathy, David - Viola time starters. A beginner book for viola (utwory na altwk + CD)
PWM Blackwell Kathy, David - Viola time joggers. A first book of very easy pieces for viola (utwory na altwk + CD)


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