Don Vasyl with the band - concert for Mother's Day (Cultural Center in Rybnik-Niedobczyce) - tickets

Ticket prices from: 80 PLN - ORDER TICKET ONLINE » Date: 2024-09-25, 18:00:00
Artist: Don Vasyl and the Stars of Gypsy Song
City: Rybnik
Venue: Cultural Center in Rybnik-Niedobczyce
Address: Ul. Barbary 23,
(GPS: 50.059692, 18.494463)
Category: music

Event Description

We cordially invite you to a unique concert performed by Don Vasyl with his family band. We will hear the biggest hits of the singer such as: 'There is one sky for everyone', 'Dance with me my life', 'I have already won' and others. On stage, we will hear, accompanied by talented grandchildren of Don Vasyl on violins and guitars, such Gypsy hits as: 'Ore, ore', 'Play me a beautiful Gypsy', 'We Gypsies' and many more.

The Artistic Band Don Vasyl and Roma was established in 1987. 'Roma', because the core of the band consists of members of the legendary group Roma, which could boast numerous tours around the world, including concerts at the UN headquarters in New York and at the famous 'Olympia in Paris'. Over time, Don Vasyl discovered and promoted talented Gypsy stars: Dziani, Wasyl Junior, Elza, Patrycja, Carmen, Tobi, and many others. Therefore, the name of the band changes to Don Vasyl and Gypsy Stars. The band continues to cultivate the artistic traditions of Roma.

Duration of the concert: 80 minutes.

Tickets available at: KupBilecik.pl

Event details »

Don Vasyl and the Stars of Gypsy Song

The Artistic Band Don Vasyl and Roma was established in 1987. 'Roma', because the core of the band consists of members of the legendary group Roma, which could boast numerous tours around the world, including concerts at the UN headquarters in New York and at the famous 'Olympia in Paris'. Over time, Don Vasyl discovered and promoted talented Gypsy stars: Dziani, Wasyl Junior, Elza, Patrycja, Carmen, Tobi, and many others. Therefore, the name of the band changes to Don Vasyl and Gypsy Stars. The band continues to cultivate the artistic traditions of Roma. Tickets available at: KupBilecik.pl

All concerts of the artist: Don Vasyl and the Stars of Gypsy Song »


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