Dominika Glapiak

Dominika Glapiak – a pianist from Gdańsk, was trained under the guidance of outstanding educators at the Feliks Nowowiejski Secondary Music School in Gdańsk. She graduated with honors, receiving a diploma in piano from Prof. Waldemar Wojtal and in chamber music from Prof. Anna Prabucka-Firlej at the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk. She completed postgraduate studies at the Anton Rubinstein International Academy in Düsseldorf under the guidance of the distinguished pianist Prof. Dina Yoffe.

From a young age, Dominika Glapiak has successfully presented herself at many festivals and is a laureate of numerous music competitions in Poland and abroad, particularly in Osaka, Vienna, Padua, Treviso, and Gdańsk. She has been awarded multiple times in both solo music and chamber music categories.

Her concert activity includes masterpieces of solo piano music, as well as a wide repertoire of chamber music. She has performed in Germany, France, Austria, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Italy, as well as in the USA, Japan, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Israel.

Dominika Glapiak is also a laureate of significant scholarships and distinctions, including: the title of laureate of the Young Stage at the Polish Piano Festival in Słupsk, 'Primus Inter Pares' for the best student in the Tri-City, the Societe Frederic Chopin Geneve Scholarship, the Cultural Scholarship of the City of Gdańsk, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute Scholarship, the Gold Country Piano Institute Scholarship, and many others.

She has numerous recordings for radio and television. In 2011, together with Maciej Kułakowski, she recorded an album with chamber music for cello and piano, which was released by DUX publishing house, and in November 2014, the album Acte Preable 'Strauss, Wagner-Songs' was released, featuring Dominika Glapiak alongside the renowned Polish singer Bożena Harasimowicz.

Since 2012, Dominika Glapiak has been the artistic director of the ReFermata Music Festival held in the Kolbudy municipality.

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