fot. Edyta Rembała

A pianist, composer, and improviser of the young generation, a laureate of prestigious piano competitions. A versatile artist, perfectly navigating both classical and improvised music. In a surprising way, he experiments with the sounds of the piano, stimulating the imagination and opening the souls and minds of listeners to art.

The idea that guides ARTur's creativity is 'Impression of the Heart': the belief that a true musician creates primarily from intuition and from the heart. The instrument is for the Artist a whole spectrum of colors and energy, an extension of his mind and imagination. Both original works and classical and jazz compositions are enriched with improvisations, thanks to which each concert rises to the level of a unique and unrepeatable event.


Despite his young age, ARTur has rich concert experience gained through performances in Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Serbia, Greece, and Lithuania.
He is the author of the music for the film 'Centrum Świętego Jana' broadcast on TVP Kultura, for the theatrical performance 'Ożenek', and for the multimedia project 'Interaktywny Bunkier' in Ustka.
A scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in Poland, the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, and many non-governmental organizations. He received support from YAMAHA MUSIC.


1st place and special award: International Music Competition The Muse in Florence
1st place: International Piano Competition Concours Musical de France in Paris
1st place and special award: International Piano Competition Free Style in Bern
1st place: Malta International Music Competition in Valletta
1st place and special award: International Piano Competition Kaliningrad Jazz City in Kaliningrad

We invite you to visit the pages through which you can get acquainted with the works of his creativity:
ARTur online

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Latin Percussion Haki/ruby nacigowe Bongo Professional - LP793X LP793X-C LP794X LP794V-ARG Galaxy - LP201AX LP201A-2 Generation 2 - LP201A-3 LP202-AW Generation 3 - LP200XF Fiberglass - LP201SA Uptown Black Mirror
Latin Percussion Bottom Bongo Cuban - LP Professional LP201A-2 LP201AX-2 Generation 2 - LP201A-3 LP202-AW Generation 3 - LP1964 Original - Chrom 8 1/2″


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