"Musical Encyclopedia PWM" Completed

The last, 12th volume of the 'Musical Encyclopedia PWM' went on sale on February 12 this year. Thus, the 33-year history of one of the most ambitious projects of the Polish Music Publishing House comes to an end.
The idea of creating the first Polish multi-volume encyclopedia dedicated exclusively to music was born in the late 1960s among musicologists gathered around the PWM Program Council. At that time, the music community had at its disposal either foreign encyclopedias or Polish publications that only covered a fragment of musical life or, due to their small volume, addressed issues in a summary manner.
The main advocates of this initiative at that time were Zofia Lissa and Mieczysław Tomaszewski, who is considered the father of the encyclopedia. The Editorial Committee began its work in 1970, and in 1971, Elżbieta Dziędzowska became the editor-in-chief, a position she has held to this day. The beginnings were not easy – the first volume was published only in 1979, and subsequent volumes were released several years apart – the total print run of 555 thousand copies shows that the efforts of the creators were not in vain, and there was a need for such a publication in the Polish music community. In the creation of nearly 10 thousand entries in the biographical part, over 400 authors from all over the country have participated to this day.
The 'Musical Encyclopedia PWM' is the only publication of its kind in Eastern Europe, and in comparison to Western publications, it stands out as an exceptional work. The most important assumption of the Polish encyclopedia, distinguishing it from foreign ones, is to present music in a broad cultural context. Therefore, it includes entries not only about musicians but also about writers, instrument builders, editors, acousticians, educators, and even ballet masters, dancers, directors, or patrons. To a greater extent than before, early and contemporary music has been captured, as well as musical life in countries that are not major centers. It also includes creators and performers of jazz and entertainment music, as well as ethnomusicologists. An important element of the encyclopedia is also its visual aspect. The 12 volumes contain over 5,500 various types of graphics. Images, photographs, or facsimiles do not serve merely decorative functions but constitute an integral part of the entries.
Future plans of PWM regarding the 'Musical Encyclopedia' involve making the knowledge contained within it available on the Internet and continuing the work, namely creating a subject index.

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